Friday, October 7, 2011

"1 Sonometer"

36 weeks along which means about only 4 more to go. Kinda freaky!! Can't believe there's a real baby inside of me, and it eventually will be coming out. She's been growing rapidly since 30 weeks. I'm about 25 pounds over my normal weight. The last 10 pounds were accrued just over the last 2 weeks! Missy is packin it on!
Mitch and I have been enjoying this extra time off together since he's not working. The job search is going really well with a couple interviews had this week and more next week. We're feeling confident he will find something.
We met with Kassie (the doula- which is a labor coach) and we feel so grateful to have her available to help us. She will do great! We also met with Sakina, or Sa-quee-quee, as Mitch calls her (the midwife- she will deliver the baby). Took a nice bus ride to get there, about 30 minutes. Had a nice visit with her. Turns out I'm "1 sonometer" dilated. Yes, sonometer. It's the french way to say "centimeter." Apparently a lot of Drs and nurses pronounce it that way. Afterall, the french did create the metric system. She can pronounce the word any way she likes, as long as she supports my perineum I'm happy! She said I should walk 30-60 minutes every day to stay active, so we walked home from the appt. It's beautiful, perfect weather right now anyway so it was very enjoyable. She also said I need to do optimal fetal positioning every day which I've already been doing and didn't know it! This is to make sure Missy gets into anterior position and stays that way.
My uterus measures about 33 inches which is smaller than average, but she said it's because I'm tall and plus, Missy is off to the right side in her comfy spot. She kicks my ribs and my hip every now and then. She does a funny twitch almost every day, and she does something that sounds like she's popping her knuckles. I'll have to ask her about that when she comes out.
Getting the birthing tub tomorrow! Woohoo! All we need after that is first aid kit stuff for Missy and we're set!

This is Missy doing ballet. Practicing her point.

These are my first try at baby booties. Ruby red of course.

Second try at baby booties. Dark and light pink.

This is what Missy is at 36 weeks. A crenshaw melon. Weighing in at 6 pounds and almost 18 1/2 inches long! According to Baby Center anyway.

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